[Podcast] Survival Tips for eyes (Allergic Conjunctivitis)
Posted by Jim Applegate on

Topics covered in this episode:
- What is Allergic Conjunctivitis
- Marshmallow root Salve
- Not marshmallows in the eyes
- itchy eyes
- dry eyes
- pink eye
- Is it contagious
- I Brite
- Treat the system (Upper respiratory system)
- Hay Asz
- Don't double dip
- Swab the nose with marshmallow root salve
- Effect of diet on allergies
- Quality of milk
- Raw milk is a probiotic
- how cheese is made
- good bacteria
- fermented foods
- buy plain yogurt and flavor it yourself
- avoid excitotoxins
- Your body makes all the chemicals it needs
- make the chemicals don't take chemicals
- get good nutrients to make good chemicals
- bad nutrients make bad chemicals
- light irritates the eyes
- cut back in eye strain (gadgets)
- let your eyes rest
- eyes heal when shut
- wash eyes often then put marshmallow salve on eyes
- avoid scented wipes and disinfectant wipes
- don't use on kids
- Hay Asz
- Fection
- I Brite
- Cough Syrup mix
- Herbs are food
Vitamin C
- Cleans out excitotoxins
- Orange juice on sores
- eyebright vs. I Brite
- formulas work better