[Podcast] Want to stop stress?
Posted by Jim Applegate on
In this episode we talked about:
- Good and bad stress have the same effect on the body
- Vitamins an minerals are depleted
- Like a house with bad wiring
- Breakers and fuses
- Give your body nutrients
- Build your nervous system
- Story of a client that needed Nerquilizer and Chillin'
- Now only needs a little to maintain
- B & C Complex
- Get your B vitamins from Grains
- Vitamins are Micronutrients
- Get your vitamins from your food
- Green leafy vegetables are high in B vitamins
- pre-natal vitamins have extra folic acid
- Spinach is high in folic acid
- Lithium is in vegetables
- The Drug lithium and the mineral lithium are VERY different
- Isolated remedies have dangerous consequences
- Water is is made up of a high explosive
- Vitamins and Minerals in the soil
- Plants convert minerals into a form that is easy to assimilate
- We get nutrients from plants
- Graze, try different foods
- Buy and eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- If you can't get it from your food take a good supplement
- Tissue Mend
- Vitamins sources can be questionable, check your sources
- Food source vitamins
- C Complex
- B and C Complex
- Vitamin Pack
- What to take for stress
- Mild
- 3 Chillin' 6 Nerquilizer a day
- Moderate
- 6 Chillin' 6 Nerquilizer
- Mineral lithium is in Chillin' not the drug
- If not working add B and C Complex
- Vitamin Pack is always helpful
- Deal with your stress